Fav Quote

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts, too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.

Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin. ~anonymous

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Spring Ride with Jerry Brown Wagon

We've had so much ice this winter, that this is the first chance we've had to hitch the girls.  Our friend Jim came and we used the Jerry Brown wagon for the first time.  It's a beautiful wagon for sure.

After the ride when we were taking the harness off the horses, Jacob came up to the barn with his followers:  three dogs and a turkey!

This is my horse, Orlando.  I think he was a little shocked to see a turkey running around with the dogs!

Jesse's Birthday Party

Jesse's birthday was 3/23.  So we had a small party for him on Saturday night.
Liberty made this fabulous Stoney Acres Percheron cake for Jesse.  The horse is made from sculpted rice krispy treat and covered in black fondant.  The base is a hill because we live on vertically challenging real-estate and is dotted with flowers and edible stones.

The gang gathered 'round the dining room table.

More of the gang.

The younger crowd was gathered in the den watching the Monster Jam finals and playing PS3.  Jordana is sitting on the floor with Grayson.  From left to right, Levi, Logan and Jacob.

Aunt Dee with Grayson (L) and Addison (R).

Friday, March 25, 2011

Stressful Experience with Craigslist Posting

So . . . we would like to get a different small wagon - one that is 5th wheel or cut-back.  We decided to try listing our wagon on Craigslist Williamsport Farm & Garden.  We had listed a 4-wheeler about a year ago and we didn't have any problems, so why not try again.  About two days later, we got an e-mail from a gentleman asking if it was still available.  We responded that it was.  Then we got an e-mail that looked like our response had been forwarded to someone else.  He said he was interested in the wagon and would we send pictures.  So we sent a few pictures.  Then he sent an e-mail stating that he wanted the wagon and would send payment; and would we take the listing down off of Craigslist.  So we agreed to take the posting down for one week.  We also said we would hold the wagon until his check cleared.  Then we get an e-mail from someone else asking if the item in a Craigslist posting from San Francisco California was ours because the pictures were the same as our ad.  We had no idea what was going on!  So we contacted the state police.  They took all the information as a possible scam.  We don't know if the guy was trying to sell a wagon he didn't own yet or if someone was trying to virus our computers or what.  But we have decided that we will NEVER list on Craigslist again.  It's just too dangerous.  I know that lots of people do it all the time, but it's not for us.

Thankfully, we subscribe to very good virus/spyware software and Windstream also has good virus scanning.  They did send me an e-mail that they blocked an e-mail that contained a virus.  I did a virus scan on both computers and also did a system restore back to a previous date just to be safe.  My mantra:  no more posting on Craigslist!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

No More Cleaning Stalls with Shovels!

When we built the barn, we included a skid steer door to access the stalls so that we could clean them with a skid steer someday.  We figured it would be years before we could buy one though.  Twice a year, a local auction company holds a consignment sale.  We were out there walking around earlier this week and saw a nice little skid steer that would be perfect for us.  We researched it on-line.  After discussion about what we could afford, off Jesse went to the sale.  He waited there for 12 hours before the skid steer came up.  We got it for the amount we set as our top limit, but thankfully it did not go over!
Hard to see . . .  but Jacob is in the Skid Steer - imagine that!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Proud of My Kids

A while back, the kids were asked to participate in a livestock judging competition at Penn State.  They gladly agreed.  But they haven't really enjoyed it as much as they thought they would.  Then we realized that Fraley's Spring Sale was the same day as the livestock competition.  Both kids really wanted to go to the sale instead.  We had several discussions about whether they would/should/could drop out of the competition.  I felt strongly that they should honor their commitment even though it meant they would not get to do something they really enjoyed.  Finally, they both decided that they would go through with the competition.  So, even though it wasn't their favorite activity and there was something going on that they really wanted to do, they didn't let their team mates down and went to Penn State.  I'm really proud of them!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Is Spring Coming?

We spent quite a bit of time outdoors yesterday wearing nothing more than sweatshirts in place of our heavy coats.  Jacob and his friend, Levi, worked on making the chicken yard bigger in anticipation of peeps we will buy this Spring.  The horses were glad to get outside as they were trapped in the barn because of the several inches of ice we've had since the ice storm a few weeks ago.  It felt so good to put away the snowman decorations and get some of the Spring decorations out.  We are looking forward to the gradual improvement in the temps and spending much more time outdoors!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

In Memory - Jennifer Hartman Guisewhite

On Sunday, February 27th, 2011, my cousin, Jennifer, died suddenly.  She was 35 years old and left behind three young children - Mackenzie (12 yrs), Franchesca (8 yrs), and Josephine (6 yrs).  It has been a tough, tough week, and we've prayed for strength and guidance every day.  Last evening, we went to her visitation and today was her funeral. I have never seen my aunt cry like she did today.  It was heartbreaking.  After the funeral, we went to my grandmother's grave to place roses from some of Jennifer's flowers.  We said a prayer asking the Lord to help us remember His words from 1 Corinthians 2:9 -

No eye has seen, no ear has heard,
no mind has conceived what God has prepared
for those who love Him.

Jennifer's adult life has always been shrouded in turmoil.  And so is her death.  But there are lessons we can take away from her short life.  Number one:  who you marry is the most important decision you'll ever make.  Make sure it's someone who loves and cares for you through good times and bad.  Make sure it's someone you'll love and support through those same good and bad times.  And number two:  pray for strength and guidance daily.  Let the Lord lead rather than trying to manipulate life to suit yourself. 

Tomorrow, her parents, sister and daughters begin the long journey of putting their lives back together.  I pray that we all will have closure and find peace about her passing.  And I pray that some good will come from this tragic loss.