Fav Quote

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts, too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.

Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin. ~anonymous

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Addison & Grayson

Liberty & Tommy went to North Carolina this weekend to attend his cousin's wedding.  We shared the boys with Grandma and Grandpa Smith.  Unfortunately, Addison was sick almost since the minute Liberty & Tommy left on their trip.  He had a very high fever and right lower belly pain.  Thursday evening, we took him to the ER to be checked out.  He had to have IV fluids and lab work.  He was sent home, but we were told to watch out for appendicitis.  He had a temp all weekend but did stop complaining about belly pain.  On Sunday 7/3, he was feeling a little better and wanted to play outside.  It was over 90 degrees, so we played in the barn where it was cool.  The boys rode the peddle tractor and sat in Pappy's skid steer.  It was so much fun spending time with the boys! 




Monday, June 27, 2011

Spending Time with Addison & Grayson

Liberty and the boys are spending a few weeks in PA.  On Sunday, June 26, 2011, we went to Fran's for supper, then went to Millville Park to play.
Jacob with Grayson (left) and Addison (right).

Grayson on the turtle!

Addison going across the monkey bars with Pap's help.

Jordana, Grayson and Addison on the fire truck.

Liberty and Jacob swinging.

After we were done playing at the park, we went to our friend Nancy's farm.  She has a menagerie of usual and unusual animals, but primarily raises deer.  She is bottle feeding 18 fawns right now.  They were born between the end of May and mid-June.  They are precious and the boys really enjoyed seeing them.

Grason (left) and Addison (right) with two of the fawns.

Here are a few of the babies!

Jesse with Nancy.  She is one of the nicest people on the Earth.

April & Shawn's Wedding

Our niece, April Kitzmiller, married her long-time beau, Shawn Smith, on Saturday, June 25, 2011.  They are a beautiful young couple and we wish them nothing but love in their future.

April's two sisters:  Melissa on the left (expecting her 2nd baby in September) and Cristy, next to Melissa.  All three Kitzmiller sisters are stunning young women.

Kate & Classy gave the wedding party a ride from Moreland Baptist Church to the restored Eight Square School.  Muncy Historical Society was kind enough to open the school for us.  The horses were wearing purple and white like the rest of the bridal party!

Jesse driving the wagon.  He was a very proud uncle!

New Signs for Wagon

We wanted to add our name to the wagon but weren't sure how to do it . . .  We didn't necessarily want to remove the Hunterdell Farm signage.  So, we had vinyl stickers made to cover up the existing signs.  We were back and forth with the printer, but finally came up with this.  We like it!

And, we wanted to pay tribute to Jesse's mom.  She would have loved the horses!  So, one night when I couldn't sleep, I wrote the statement below.  Jesse really liked it, so we put it on the back of the driver's seat on the wagon.  That way, everyone who rides in the wagon will get to know this great lady just a little.  We miss her every day.

Whether it was a teenager who came for a weekend but stayed years or a litter of piglets kept warm in a box under the cookstove, she welcomed all God's creatures into her home and heart.  She had a special fondness for horses and we know that she rides with us today.

Hughesville Antique Car Parade

On Wednesday, June 8, 2011, Jacob drove Pap Hughes' 1977 Wheel Horse in the Antique Car Parade!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Last evening was the Hughesville Carnival Pet Parade.  Our 4-H always makes a nice float.  This year, the theme was Hunting Safety.  The kids did a great job!
Our nephew, Tyler, in the hut!

Libby, Jordana, Emma, Nicole & Becca

The float in the parade.  Jacob is on the far right.

Ruth & Wayne, our club leaders, are sitting on the right.  Jesse is standing in the background - clowning around!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Fritz Wagon Trail Ride

Our draft horse friends, Ed & Donna Fritz, hosted a 12-mile wagon trail ride today.  There were 9 hitches, ranging from forecarts to large wagons and everything in between.  There were 4 riding horses as well.  The weather was perfect and, thankfully, the thunderstorm held off until after the ride was over.
Donna Fritz, with one of their Belgians, Stu, hitched to a beautiful carriage.

Ed & Pam Johnson with their Halflinger team.

Jesse and Jordana with our horses, Kate & Classy.

Jim Hunter with his black ponies, Candy & Brandy.

Jacob and Jordana.  Jacob and I did not go on the ride.  We went to a 4-H picnic to decorate the float for the firemen's carnival pet parade tomorrow evening.  We went to Fritz's later in the day for the after-ride picnic.

From left to right:  Jordana, Jesse, Jim Hunter, Lee Keck, Jim Bilger, and Judy Keck.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Green & White Award Banquet

Jordana received the Green & White Award for good citizenship and academic success.  Two students are chosen from each grade for each marking period.  Of 120 students in 8th grade, Jordana is one of 8 who received this award for the year.  That is pretty amazing!  The principals said that the 48 total students (8 from each grade) exemplify superior achievement over the other students who are achieving at a very high level as well.  These students are the best of the best.  Congratulations and great job, Jordana!
Jordana receiving her award from Mr. Lorson and Mr. Colburn, the principals.  Check out the shoes she's wearing - they were an impractical birthday gift from her sister, Liberty.  Jordana just loves those shoes and they looked nice with the dress she wore.

Jordana with her proud daddy!

Jordana and me, her proud momma!

4-Wheeler Riding after the Memorial Day Parade

We had an impromptu picnic on Memorial Day using up the left over picnic food from Saturday.  Liberty, Tommy and the boys were home for the holiday weekend.  Jacob and Tommy got the 4-wheelers out and were riding around.  They took the boys for rides.  The boys were so excited.  Grayson called Jordana's old helmet, "My helmet."  He even wanted to take it home! 

Muncy Memorial Day Parade

On Monday, May 30th, Jesse and Classy particpated in the Memorial Day Parade.  The Civil War Road Show was in Muncy for the holiday weekend.  So the Muncy Historical Society had a civil war theme to the parade.  They called us looking for a black horse to do a tribute to fallen soldiers.  It was an honor for us to be involved.
Jesse and Classy in costume.

Jesse, me, Grayson and Addison with Classy.

Jordana with Classy.

Members of the Muncy Historical Society in civil war costume.

Jordana's Birthday Picnic

On Saturday 5/28, we had a birthday picnic for Jordana.  Liberty made a patriotic-themed cake for her - which survived the 4-hour drive from Long Island in the heat.  And Jordana's best friend, Maia, spent the night.  They slept out in the camper and watched movies for a great girl's night.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Happy 14th Birthday Jordana!

Jordana celebrated her 14th birthday today!  This little girl was so sick when she was a baby.  She was 11 months old before her kidney/ureter/bladder defects were diagnosed.  And she ended up having corrective surgery at Hershey on her 2nd birthday.  We are so lucky that she is happy and healthy today!  She has been a true blessing in our lives.  Happy Birthday from Mom and Dad!
Jordana in the middle, with Lakeisha on the left and Jackie on the right.  Two of her good friends!

Jordana, Lakeisha and Jackie on Lakeisha's John Deere.

Austin, Emma and Jordana.

HHS May Day 2011

Today was May Day at our high school.  The country kids bring tractors to school for display.  They are hard working kids who like to play hard too.  They have big hearts and I'm lucky to get to spend the day with them as a chaperone.

Jacob and his friend, Levi, standing by our Farmall M.

Mr. Toohey, Jacob, and his cousin, Curvin.

Some of the tractors and a 1955 Chevy.

Some of the other tractors.