Fav Quote

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts, too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.

Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin. ~anonymous

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Jacob's Teachers

Just have to do a little bragging . . .  Our school district had parent-teacher conferences this week.  Both kids get good grades so we don't schedule conferences with all of their teachers.  This year, I only scheduled one with Jacob's automotive teacher.  This is Jacob's first year in the technical program and I just wanted to touch base with the teacher.  The teacher had nothing but great things to say about Jacob.  It was wonderful to hear such nice things about Jacob and his grade is excellent.  Then when I got home, I had a super e-mail from another one of Jacob's teachers who said that Jacob was a dependable, hard-working student who is a pleasure to have in class.  I'm just so proud of him.

Bon Fire

Saturday, November 20th, Uncle Wayne and Aunt Doris hosted the annual Bon Fire and Hay Ride.  Because of football games and other events, we can't seem to have it any earlier in the Fall.  Sometimes, we've had snow flurries for the hay ride!  
The stack of wood for the bon fire was huge.  This is a pic taken shortly after the fire was started.  For reference, the building on the left is the end of the pavillion.  This end is two stories with sleeping quarters upstairs.  The pile of wood was higher than the 2nd story. 

Here is a picture of Jesse (6' 1" tall) and my nephew, Tyler, standing in front of the fire.  The whole thing wasn't burning yet.

The flames were very high!  You could feel the heat from 100' away!

Jordana and her cousin, Katie.  Their great-grandfathers were Wagner brothers. 

A pic of the some of the crowd.

Jesse, our friend Logan, and Jordana sitting on the bench.  Jacob is standing in the back.  The hole in the wall of the pavillion is a spot for a future fire place.  Uncle Wayne never does things on a small scale!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Jordana's Veteran's Day Speech

Jordana was asked to recite President Obama's Proclamation at our school's Veteran's Day Program.  I cannot express how proud I am of her.  She did a fabulous job speaking in front of an auditorium full of people.  All the students who participated did a great job.  It's just awe-inspiring! 

I know it's many girls dream to be in Homecoming Court or May Day Court.  But those are just popularity contests . . .  To be asked to participate in the Veteran's Day Program is truly, truly an honor.  To speak in such a mature manner about the sacrifices of soldiers . . .  It was very moving.

4-H Banquet

Our 4-H Banquet was held on Saturday, November 6th.  We had a nice time, it's a great group of people.  And I am so proud of my kids.
 Jacob receiving his completion awards for Dairy Beef, Market Swine, Leathercraft, and Shotgun.

Jordana receiving her completion awards for Market Beef, Market Swine, Leathercraft and Basketry.

Dear Friends

On Friday, Nov 5th, many members of my work family gathered for a retirement party.  Our dear friend, Jane, is retiring in December.  She is a wonderful person and great mentor.  Several people shared funny stories.  We laughed and cried and wished Jane well as she looks forward to traveling with her hubby. 
Best of Luck, Jane!

And the lady in the white turtleneck and gray sweater is another dear friend, Diane.  She's been off work for the last few weeks after an unexpected illness.  She surprised us all when she was at the retirement party.  She is hopefully on the road to recovery and we look forward to having her back at work soon. 
Get Well Soon, Diane! 

Friday, November 5, 2010

Happy 1st Anniversary Mac!

All horses deserve, at least once in their lives, to be loved by a little girl.

These pictures were taken the night we gave Mac to Jordana (Nov. 5, 2009). I had actually bought him a month before. But October is a heavy horse show month, and Jordana couldn't have any lessons for over three weeks because Tipson was busy with shows. I didn't want to give her a new horse and then not let her ride him. So we decided to wait until the night lessons resumed.
It was so funny! She saw the sign on the stall door which says, "Te Dee Mac loved by Jordana" and she didn't figure out that he was hers. Tipson, her trainer, and Beth, the lady we bought Mac from, were there and we kept saying, "Get YOUR horse out." She just had this confused look on her face.

Finally I sent Jacob out to the car to get the bucket full of new grooming tools with a big blue bow on it. When she saw the bucket and bow, she said, "You mean he's mine?" I said yes. And then she started to cry -and so did all of us. No horse has ever been loved more than she loves Mac. I'm so glad Tipson guided us to him and Beth sold him to us. It was a wonderful moment and I hope she looks back on this someday and treasures it as much as I do.