Fav Quote

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts, too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.

Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin. ~anonymous

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Wrapping up Summer

Sorry . . . No new pictures. We've been busy just trying to get all the outside projects done before cold weather comes. We have the pool closed up finally. We are starting to haul hay to get the barn full for winter. And we've been trying to make time for Jordana to ride Mac. I'm Jordana's "horse caddy" (you know how a golfer has someone to carry his clubs) - so I carry the bridle and other necessities back and forth from the barn to the riding ring. I took my camera out with me, but was too busy to get any pictures! Maybe next time. It was a crazy busy weekend, but it's a good kind of crazy if you know what I mean!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Great News!

Tonight, Liberty and Tommy shared their moving plans with us! It's official - they'll be residents of New York in less than two weeks!

Tommy drove to Long Island and has started his new job. He found a house for them to rent which is less than 10 minutes from his work and very close to the elementary school. He is flying back to Florida next weekend to help Liberty finish packing and they will move during the first weekend in October. Tommy will be looking for a new daycare for Grayson this week. Liberty starts work at Ralph Lauren mid-October.

They will be about 3.5 hours from here, which is very comparable to when they lived in Virginia. We are looking forward to having them home during the holidays and hope to have the boys spend some time with us next summer! Yeah!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Labor Day Weekend at Montour DeLong

Jacob displayed part of his toy tractor collection at the Montour DeLong Antique Machinery Show over Labor Day Weekend. Allis Chalmer was the featured tractor. I think Jacob's display represented the "orange" pretty well! It was a very fun and relaxing weekend!

Jacob and Jordana with Jacob's display. The pedal tractor in the fore-ground is Jordana's. Several of the items came from the huge Allis Chalmer collection of the late Claire Frantz. Jacob saved for months so that he could buy things at the auction of Claire's collection.

Jacob's friend, Dillon, checking out the antique tractors. And probably a few girls, too!

Jesse got to drive this articulated tractor (the tractor flexes in the middle and has front and rear steering). It is a monster!

All weekend, kids were given rides in these little cars pulled by a garden tractor. As we were packing up, the cars were sitting outside the building empty. Our gang decided to jump in! From left to right: Jordana in the John Deere car, Jesse in the Farmall car, Dillon in the MM car, Mike in the Olliver car, and Jacob in the Allis Chalmer car.

Labor Day Weekend - The Duke Sisters

On Labor Day, Jordana's BFF Emma came out to spend the day with us. Jordana and Emma swam for a little while, even though the water was cold! Then they spent a few hours grooming the horses. And after supper, we built a fire and made s'mores with the huge campfire marshmallows. It was a really fun day!

Emma and Jordana grooming Mac. He loves the attention!

Emma and Jordana contemplating the world . . .

A perfect end to a wonderful day!